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International Open Encounter on Video, a text from Maya Jacobs

Maya Jacobs has dedicated her master study at the Gent University (Belgian) to the 5th International Open Encounter on Video held in February 1976 at the ICC in Antwerpen by Florent Bex and Jorge Glusberg founder of the Centro fort Art and Communication (CAYC – Buenos Aires). As the catalogue of the Encounter has totally disappeared and even was probably never published, Maya Jacobs has undertaken its reconstitution. An exceptional, difficult but successful result worth the lecture, as it reminds the atmosphere, the many important video artists, art critics and the works of that time. Without her steady efforts it would have been simply forgotten.

Arnaud Fischer Encounter

Arnaud Fischer Untitled
Jan Swidzinski from Poland, founder of Contextual art © MuHKA 
Arnaud Fischer HF%2Bat%2BICC
Hervé Fischer, sociological art © MuHKA